Club Velvet Rose – game update
December 11, 2023QUEST TRACKER
I was developing LWT all previous week and implementing a new way to track precisely all quests in the game. It’s a system of hints that would allow players to better understand the chain of actions required for unlocking certain scenes in the game.
With the experience I earned, I decided to upgrade the quest tracker in CVR: Midnight bliss. Some people complained that the game is too difficult and achieving the scenes they want to see is hard. I was working this Sunday to come up with a new solution. Now everything is presented in a clear way, with a list of all events possible and what needs to be done to achieve them. Also, when you block the quest – you’ll find the information explaining why it happened so you can roll back the action with a mouse wheel and make a different choice.
Everything is tested, but if you find any problems with that – please let me know: https://blog.lessonofpassion.com/contact-form/
Also, I’ve studied the code and changed the conditions of some events. Some will be triggered earlier in the game, and starting some of them will be more intuitive and require fewer conditions to launch.
I want to ask – who is your favorite character so far? I know that some were complaining about Hazel’s grey hair, but still – she is one that is mentioned as the hottest in the game. Please take a vote below.
Which girl you like the most?
Recently we’ve published some photos on Instagram – click this link https://www.instagram.com/lessonofpassion/ or scan this QR code
Update improves the play of the game getting much further along now.
I’m very glad to hear that.
As a huge fan of its predecessor, I am so excited to see this new release. I have had a lot of fun living the lifestyle vicariously through the games. I do my best on my own and have a lot of fun seeing all the naughty adventures I can find, but after a while there were scenes I just couldn’t get to, and the walkthrough saved my butt. When can we expect to see a walkthrough for Midnight Bliss as a safety net?